PIECE by piece
A thought provoking vision for the future, ‘Piece by Piece’ breaks down and explores the possibilities of sustainable futures within cities through the discussion of ideas regarding our use of resources and how best to take a structured approach in order to be more ambitious in the way we build or rebuild our cities.
The Brief
Conceive and produce an animation to accompany the selected audio file that will clarify, energise and illuminate the content.
The Idea
The transcript, spoken by Kate Raworth, contains key themes surrounding a sustainable model of a “doughnut economy” where each individual city has their own “doughnut” that represents their economic, environmental and cultural situations as a way to better visualise and help tackle each problem, one at a time, on a case-by-case basis.
Therefore, I chose to create a stop motion piece using recycled board that centres around the concept of simple children’s block puzzles. Specifically, I made one in the shape of a doughnut as a way to emphasise the ease of use for this model that allows city planners and local people to more clearly understand what they need to be more ambitious for their city’s future.